Change Log (Past and Current)

I really believe in documenting a lot of my development process so below is just a copy paste of how I've been currently tracking the changes in the game and my future goals for the game. (I've removed all of my 'Planned features' notes as I don't want to 'promise' anything that probably won't be in the final version of the game)



LOG 10.12.17

>Resized Arena
>Revamped Health/Ammo System
>Removed multiple lives in place of a single life, Ammo is used as a 'sheild' and is also used for bullets
>Enemies flash white when hit
>'Fish Finger Gun' (shoots a bullet that pauses for a moment then explodes into 12 small bullets that fly around randomly)
>'Rocket Gun' (Shoots 1 Big bullet in a straight line, penetrating(hehe) through all enemies in it's path)
>Removed mask system entirely
>Added Slime that slows player and enemies. Slime is created when slow enemies explode
>Re-made the enemy level up sprite
>Controller Support
>Random Weapon Crates

I tried a mechanic where the player has to shoot the fish to freeze them and push them into a hole for delivery. The fish can be defrosted by shooting 'flaming fish' (leveled up ones)
This was difficult to implement, and when it was implemented it wasn't as good as i expected it to be. 
This is probably better suited for a different game, or a different game mdoe all together


LOG 20.09.17

This is the second Log because i've been really busy working on the game.
So far I've added
>Screen Shake
>Health Variable for enemies
>Alpha changes to smoke and enemy shadows
>Flexible Playable Menu
>Machine Gun <<Fixed
>Machine Gun is alarm[0] based. It's shooting speed is based on how quick the alarm is. 
>Machine Gun is currently Unlimited ammo, atm looking into 12 Ammo as a test version. Each ammo spent shoots 2-3 bullets and has a wider spread than pistol (random?)

ATM my aimed release is for the 1st of November (HA You're bloody dreeeaammin' mate -Future Ben), and releasing a price  with the Game Jam version as a Demo
The Demo will have Updated Updated Environment sprites but will exclude any new mechanics, maps, enemies, player sprites, game feel stuff.

These updates won't be super regular.


LOG 05.09.17

This game has already been released. It was originally made a part of a 48hr game jam (Both GMTK Jam (48hr's) and RMIT 'Mask' Jam (24hr's).

A lot of people have told me they really enjoyed the game, so i've decided to create a few updates for the game, with the possibility of remaking it 
as something much bigger, and possibly make some money from it. (who knows).

At the moment my goals for the project are as follows:

>Create a MAC build
>Create an Local/Online Scoreboard
>Add General Game Feel Elements  <<< Done
>Improve the Menu to contains
>Level Select
>About section
>Options for sound/res/key re-binding etc
>Controller Support <<<Done
>Create Music and Sound Effects
>Create a series of levels and challenges
>Add additional Enemies with different quirks and mechanics
>Improve the environment Sprites
>Improve the Player and Enemy Sprites and Animations
>Add additional Weapons   <<<Machine Gun, Fish Finger Gun, BigBoy Gun Added


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